Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Analyzing the uses of scheduling methods in IT project management Coursework

Analyzing the uses of scheduling methods in IT project management - Coursework Example The data that I will use in this research will be collected from notes and documentation of projects that has been done before. I will particularly make use of planning processes of various projects so that I get to know what is required of a project. I preferred internet databases that would exploit electronic links like; Springer Link, Emerald Management Extra, Sweets Wise Online content and Ulrich. These databases provided a lot of information on applied sciences access to abstracts, full-text versions of articles that have been published in electronic books and project management journals. I found these sources quite intriguing as they enabled wide access of full text reviews, case studies and publications to a greater extent. To obtain information, I logged on the four links mentioned above and absolutely found variety of details on project management. I aimed at reviewing the importance of scheduling in any project undertaking but most exciting was not the relationship between scheduling with traditional engineering and manufacturing projects but relating scheduling concept to the recent IT projects in this instance cloud computing. I therefore found a broad relationship between scheduling and cloud computing, inferring that scheduling is the most preferred mode of ensuring all projects have successful implementation and completion. In a nutshell, the entire search exercise was informative and exciting upon discovering that numerous studies have been made and documented in systematic and logical order in the tune of employing project management tools as Critical Path and Gantt charts. This ordering method enabled me to mark and continue reading the files in phases. My study entailed... This study looks into scheduling is a critical aspect of IT project management in implementation of all level projects. Indeed, the articles and journals highlighted above methods that have been discovered and practically used to achieve and attain project goals. The importance of scheduling is synchronous to the anticipation of IT project managers in effectiveness of information technology. Critically speaking, scheduling and efficiency of IT projects is an practical element in information age. The whole safety boundary that was previously created in to each project is given identity the critical chain optimizing. The total project time period is always reduced when the safety margin is there in every individual activity. But in case of any withdrawal and only one critical activity go beyond the estimated length, the finishing date for the whole project not met. There exist important evidences in this studies that many IT project managers use scheduling and a method to effectively i mplement projects and enable them to run into completion. In a research project done by Dayal, Zachariah & Rajpal the findings indicates that scheduling through network diagrams requires creating a line of balance in development of project plan in which various techniques can be used to implement the planning and control technique for manufacturing and processing that were improvised. This technique is unique in that it identifies and notes the resources needed for each phase and hence the succeeding phase is not affected therefore the goal outcome is attained.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Gay Marriage Essay Example for Free

Gay Marriage Essay Marriage as defined by Chambers 21st Century Dictionary is one the state or relationship of being husband and wife, two the act or legal contract of becoming husband and wife and three the civil or religious ceremony during which this act is performed; a wedding. Gay marriage has been a topic that has been discussed in the United States for several years now. You have people that have different viewpoints on how they feel about gay marriage more so the big question everyone argues is whether it is right or wrong. We will be discussing gay marriage in this paper focusing on the ethical problems this issue faces. We will look at gay marriage from the deontology theory and then contract the theory from the relativism, emotivism and ethical egoism theory. Lastly I will discuss which of these views I discussed is closer to my view on gay marriage. Growing up I was always told marriage is between a man and a woman and that God wants us to be married and be fruitful and multiply, fruitful meaning having children. This is something that I was told by my parents, grandparents and the church. I chose to discuss gay marriage because it is really something that I have conflicting feelings about based on what I think is right and what I have been told is right, when I was growing up as a young child in a Christian environment. Many Christians quote that God found it unacceptable for same sex relations to take place, because it is wrong. Furthermore, God created woman for man and man for woman, not woman for woman or man for man, as stated in the book of Genesis. You have polls that have been conducted where people still think that gay marriage is wrong. Then religion may be one of the most controversial issues regarding gay marriage, many religions find gay marriage to be immoral and a sin. I think that same sex marriage should be allowed although many of my family and friends wouldn’t agree with my choice. I look at the issue like any other issue that our country has faced like women suffrage and slavery. I don’t think a couple should be discriminated or treated unfairly just because of their sexual preference. The United States of America Constitute states that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights. Thomas Jefferson offered as his examples of such rights â€Å"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness† (Mosser, 2010). So shouldn’t same sex couples be allowed to have those same rights, shouldn’t they be able to enjoy the life of an American dream that we all aim to achieve. By not being able to pursue these rights we could look at this as a violation of the Constitution. This can present an ethical problem for same sex marriage. Deontology ethics claims that the way to decide if an action is moral is to examine the intentions. Mosser writes that â€Å"deontology looks at the reason for which an act is done, and the rule according to which one chooses to act. Deontology doesn’t deny that acts have consequences; rather, it insists that those consequences should not play a role in our moral evaluation of such acts† (Mosser, 2010). Any time there is an ethical issue there is an ethical problem to follow that issue. First ethical problem we will look at is gay parenting. Many people believe that children being raised by gay parents will deprive them of normal development. Many Americans believe gay men and lesbians should not have or adopt children and that children would not develop correctly with homosexual parents, although research has shown that same-gender couples are as nurturing and capable of parental obligations as other couples. † (Avery, Chase, Johansson, Litvak, Montero, Wydra, 2007). In the article Children Raised, 2001 a â€Å"study of 55 children19 raised by lesbian couples , 10 by single mothers, and 26 by heterosexual couplesfound uniformity among the categories vis-a-vis social skills, well-being, and academic performance†. I feel as long as a child is being raise by people who love them whether they are male or female and if they are being raised by a same sex couple the love the child would get from both parents won’t deprive them of any development deprivation. Although many children may experience some form of negativity from other people like classmates or people who may be against gay marriage. You might hear sometimes how children don’t understand why their parents can’t be married or they treated indifferently or talked about because their parents are gay. Another problem we have is with control. Society deems that is okay for a heterosexual couple to be out in public hugging and kissing each other in public. You have some cities or states that may prohibit this action for homosexual couples. Society sees this as wrong and I think that is why you have a lot of people who are afraid to come out and say that they are gay. Nowadays people are just a little more open to discuss their sexuality as before they were not because they were afraid of the repercussion that they may face. It is even worst for those who are in high power position like celebrities, government officials or people who may be well known throughout the community, as soon as they reveal that they may be gay it is plastered all over the news media, social networking sites and various magazines. It is really bad when they say oh this person was out holding hands or seen kissing his partner out in public. It is easier if you leave in a state that is more receptive to this like California, New York and Massachusetts. You really won’t see this behavior being favored in the Bible belt (the south). My thing is leave them alone if they chose that lifestyle that is their choice, they should be allowed like any other person in this country to freely walk out in public and hold hands and share a kiss. Now another problem is that some people believe that a same-sex couple raising children could destroy the family and social background that our society currently accepts with an opposite-sex couple. I think a child could still develop normally when they are provided the same love and nurturing necessities of life when provided by either couple whether gay or straight. A child needs love and encouragement to grow and flourish as an individual and that can be provided by people whether gay or straight. The environment a person is raised in does contribute to the type of person that they become, if they are receiving love, support and being nurtured by a gay couple it’s no different than opposite couples. Couples whether gay or straight will have that influence to teach a child what is wrong and what is right in life. As a child spend time with family members whether, gay or straight this will be part of the development process to teach a child who they are. I think a child growing up in a same-sex marriage or relationship will allow a child to learn tolerance and acceptance. They will be more prone to accepting things that others may not and be able to tolerate things more than others, cause having a child in an opposite-sex marriage or relationship they may not learn those same values as much as the other person. Same sex marriage would benefit children by increasing the durability and stability of their parents’ relationship. This will also bring increased social acceptable of and support for same-sex families, although those communities that meet gay marriage with rejection or hostility might not materialize. There really is no evidence that heterosexual couples are any more effective than same-sex couples at raising children. Religion is another ethical problem that we must look at when it comes to gay marriage. Religion as defined by Collins English dictionary is â€Å"belief in, worship of, or obedience to a supernatural power or powers to be divine or to have control of human destiny. Two any formal or institutionalized expression of such belief: the Christian religion. Lastly the attitude and feeling of one who believes in a transcendent controlling power or powers. Religion teaches us to believe in god or God or whoever we may believe in, it also teaches us kindness towards others, patience, tolerance and many other things to help us in our daily lives. Religion also teaches us to be able to accept other that may not be the same as us. Some people, including Christians, Jews, Catholics, etic†¦believe that it is wrong for people of the same sex to have a loving relationship with each other. I think each religion might have different interpretation on the teachings that is in the Bible, once religion ay interpret a section of the Bible one why while another will interpret that same section a different way. Does it might either religion right or wrong? No, it doesn’t it is one person interpretation over another. Growing up in a Christian environment it was quoted from the Bible that God found it unacceptable for same-sex relations to take place, because it is lustful and wrong. Then it says that God created man for woman and woman for man not man for man or woman for woman. As a Christian many people say that the primary purpose of marriage is procreation to be fruitful and multiple and that cannot take place in a gay marriage. Equal protection is another problem. The federal government responsibility is to protect and keep all citizens safe, this includes protection under the law. Religion has played a factor in influencing the votes of government officials to ensure equal protection under the law for heterosexuals but not for homosexuals. Bickford states that religious views continuously look down on homosexuality and condemn it. These views continue to influence the American government and the choices made when voting on laws for equal protection. Our government was formed on the basis of separation of church and state but some people are not able to accept that. So why is our government so influenced by religious organization in dictating what action they should take when it comes to voting on these laws? I don’t know if they fear that they would be retaliated against or loose support or funding from religious organizations. I know everyone is entitled to their own religious beliefs but to allow those beliefs to harm citizens in our country is unacceptable and it isn’t right. These actions cause hatred to spread throughout our country because of that. The government says that every citizen of the United States shall receive equal rights. Now why did the government pass out the defense of marriage act? The Defense of Marriage Act prohibits the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages. I think this act is immoral and unfair because it restricts the rights of gay and lesbian citizens. This act should not have been passed because there really isn’t a reason to justify that act. Mosser states â€Å"The deontologist argues that we have a duty, or an obligation, to treat other people with respect; human beings have dignity, and we must take that dignity into consideration when dealing with them. (We also expect others to respect our dignity when they deal with us. ) As the most famous deontologist, Immanuel Kant (1724—1804), put the point, we should never treat another person only as a means to our ends, or goals, but should regard them as ends in themselves. In other words, I cant simply use a person to get what I want nor can someone use me to get what he or she wants. We have to consider that other persons needs and desires, respect them, and try to avoid violating them† (Mosser, 2010). The deontologist in this aspect would resolve gay marriage as stating that all human beings should be treated equally. They are human beings so they should be treated the same way that others are being treated. If a woman and a man is able to marry then a man and a man or a woman and a woman should have that same option. A deontologist would also argue that a person shouldn’t be treated differently just because of their sexual preferences. Deontology is like living your life by a set of rules. Now the rules can be used to push yourself into doing the right thing, even if youd rather not. Now this would help by saying gay marriage is right and it is the right thing to do for same-sex couples, however there will always be exceptions, and this is where the theory falls flat on its face. You will always have someone who will debate this theory. Relativism is the idea that ones beliefs and values are understood in terms of ones society, culture, or even ones own individual values. (Mosser, 2010). Now relativism on the other hand would say for gay marriage that what’s wrong for gay marriage is not necessarily wrong for someone else. Therefore, you have no right to tell two men or two women that they cannot marry, just because you feel personally that it is wrong. What you believe and hold as true is not necessary what someone else believes and holds as true. Relativism would argue that same-sex couples ould argue that marriage is right because this is what they believe in it is part of their values and beliefs. Relativism says that no matter how you argue a point even if every point is completely proven you cannot change someone’s beliefs. This will not work because it is their belief based on how they were raised, religion or even their social influences. I feel that at people whether heterosexual or homosexual should be afforded the same rights under the law of our Constitution. I just wish people would put their differences to the side when it comes to this topic about gay marriage. What really makes me upset is Christian people that I know in my family and at the church they are so quick to judge someone else and say it isn’t right but I am quick to remind them that we are all sinners. Even though you may not like the lifestyle someone chose to leave you can’t make that person change who they are. If they chose to be with another man or another woman that is their prerogative. Then they are so quick to get upset with the government when it comes to these issues. Everyone wants to bring church into politics. I really thing that is a sticky situation and it is so tough given the country that we live in because of the diversity that our country has experienced. I just feel that if someone choses and wants to marry someone from the opposite sex let them. I would say the theory that closely match my belief given the two that I discussed is relativism. I don’t see how gay marriage would bring harm to children that are being raised by gay parents. I don’t think same-sex couples should be deprived of certain benefits or rights because of their sexual orientation. In the article in USA today for gay marriage it states â€Å"But preventing gay parents from marrying hurts their kids, as does denying them equal rights to insurance and Social Security benefits, says Aimee Gelnaw, executive director of the Family Pride Coalition† (Elias, 2004). Why should we deny them these rights that they should be entitled to? If two people want to get married, neither society nor the government should be involved. Religion should stop having such a big influence of political policies and the deeper the donation the more they lean towards pleasing that particular religion. As stated earlier our Country’s constitution allows for the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Nothing gives one person the right to decide what is wrong and what is right when it comes to same-sex couples. What would it be like if the Constitution only allowed certain types of people to be married like only people who tall and has blond hair or black hair. What if they put some stipulation that only whites can marry or only blacks. I am sure that would cause an outrage and scram discrimination. See this is what happens when our government puts limitations on its citizens. This papers has identified some of the ethical problems with gay marriage we have examined what gay marriage is like using the deontology and theory and contrasted it with the relativism theory. I am not gay but I think that a person should be able to choose who they want to be with. I don’t think they should be discriminated against, and at the end of the day it is their choice who they decide they want a relationship with, whether it be a person of the same or opposite sex. Society is so caught up in being in everyone business and who is doing what we want to tell people this is the right way to live or you should do things this way because it is right. Who is to say what that something might be better or right for someone else? Lets’ stop forcing our values and beliefs on others and allow people to be who there are. If they are Christian and they are gay or whatever religion they may be I say leave that between them and their god we should not be the ones judging or condemning them because of something that they believe in or desire. We are no better than the next person.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Zen and the Enlightened Mind Essay -- Philosophy Religion Essays

Zen and the Enlightened Mind "I have forgotten everything. I don't remember a single word"(Masunaga 36). This is the mind of one who seeks the Way. In A Primer of Soto[JS1] Zen Dogen explains the Way of the Buddha and stresses the importance of "sitting in meditation" or zazen as a means of reaching the manifestation of wholeness. The manifestation of wholeness is a state in which one abandons both mind and body and empties oneself of ignorance, delusions, and dualistic modes of thinking. One who is free from dualistic modes of being enters a world in which both subject and object exist. This is a non-objective mode of being where "all self-centeredness has been emptied, where words and concepts are used not to divide but to unite, the self enters into a mode of being of the other and identifies itself completely with the other"(Taitetsu 130). Thus, the result is openness and liberation beyond the dichotomous world. It is important to note that Dogen believes that this state of being cannot be obtained however w ith any thought of this gain, rather one should study Buddhism only for the sake of Buddhism. Dogen places importance on the urgency to study the Way by pointing out the impermanence of life. Dogen believes that because of the transiency of life one should "avoid involvement in superfluous things and just study the Way"(Masunaga 83). This enforces the emphasis of detaching the self of worldly affairs. For Dogen there is also a detachment from language and written scriptures for it cannot serve as a means of explaining philosophical truth. Dogen instructs that no mater how elegant prose might be, "they are merely toying with words and cannot gain truth"(Masunaga 33). Language only obstructs the understanding of Zen Buddhi... ... there is no Enlightenment to obtain. One just simply is. The world of ignorance, greed, and self-centeredness is non-existent for the Enlightened mind is completely open and liberated. Works Cited Earhart, Byron H. Japanese Religion: Unity and Diversity. 3rd ed. Belmont; Wadsworth, 1982. Kasulis, T.P. "Nagarjuna: The logic of Emptiness" from Zen Action/ Zen Person. Honolulu: U of Hawaii P, 1981. Matsunaga, Reiho, trs. A Primer of Soto Zen: A Translation of Dogen's Shobogenzo Zuimonki. Hawaii: East-West Center P, 1971. Reps, Paul ed., Excerpts from Zen Flesh, Zen Bones. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1957. Taitetsu, Unno. "When Broken Tiles Become Gold" from John Ross Cater, Of Human Bondage and Divine Grace. LaSalle: Open Court, 1992. Tsunoda, Theodore de Bary, and Donald Keene. Sources of Japanese Tradition. 1 vol. New York: Columbia U P, 1958.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Greed Through the Power of Corruption

10 December 2011 Greed through the Power of Corruption Greed is indescribable; to want everything and anything, to never be satisfied until it consumes the world. Of all the traits that one possesses, greed is said to be the most influential of them all. Through the course of George Orwell’s popular satire, Animal Farm, traits of greed and selfishness can be picked up chapter by chapter. These traits that Orwell uses to describe the actions of the characters can be comparable to the modern era where our society is ridden with greed and selfishness for different desires. Animal Farm and the society of North Korea are consumed and impacted by greed and selfishness through unequal rights, ruthless oppression, and lack of a unified government. Throughout the course of Animal Farm, unequal rights are traced through the building of the windmill, to the harvest for food. Through the harsh summer harvest, Napoleon announced â€Å"Any Animal who absented himself from it would have his rations reduced in half† (59). The pigs and dogs were the only ones that did not have to work, ultimately causing the breakup of the equal rights idea Old Major stressed about. Napoleon and the pigs were manipulating the animals and abusing their authority to benefit themselves and the progress of the harvest, regardless of the effect it would have on the other animals. Despite the Old Major’s philosophy of equal rights, the pigs went on to abuse the other animals, further showing signs of their greedy nature. A comparable quote such as the one above can strongly relate to North Korea’s human rights and how the low working class has little to no basic rights. Much like how the rations of the animals would be reduced, many North Koreans also faced food shortages due to the government giving most of the food to the soldiers. The pig and dog’s selfishness through the progress of Animal Farm causes them to diminish the dream Old Major once dreamed of; a perfect society where everyone is equal. Many years after the rebellion, Benjamin â€Å"consented to break his rule and he read out to her what was written on the wall. There was nothing there now except a single commandment. It ran: All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others† (134). Not only does this prove that the pigs were manipulating the commandments and altering the rules, it clearly shows the progress of the pigs selfishness to make them superior over the general population. They used this commandment to their advantage to justify their actions and superiority against the other animals. Similarly, in North Korea, women have no set of rights at all and are subject to be submissive to their male counterparts. North Korean males are subjected to be submissive as well to those of higher social status such as a government official or someone with more money than them. These depictions of no Human Rights help tell the story of how the higher classes’ greed caused the general population to be stripped of their most basic rights. Throughout the history of Animal Farm, ruthless oppression was used to detain anyone that opposed the government. Harsh punishments were under way when, â€Å"Napoleon acted swiftly and ruthlessly. He ordered the hens’ rations to be stopped, and decreed that any animal giving so much as a grain of corn to a hen should be punished by death† (76). Napoleon and the pigs’ tolerance to rebellion are so strict, that death sentences are held without facing a court or trial. This is a clear depiction on how Napoleon and the pigs are selfish for power where they will take it to the point to death penalties. It shows how the pigs are not afraid to show their wrath and how they will forcefully deal with it, even if it is one of their own comrades. It also shows how manipulation is involved and how Napoleon is installing fear into the minds of the animals. This relates to North Koreas oppression on its citizens and how anyone convicted of any small crime can be dealt with harsh punishments. For example, anyone that is caught listening to an outside radio broadcast can be sentenced to capital punishment. With the executions of the animals made public, â€Å"They were all slain on the spot. And so the tale of confessions and executions went on, until there was a pile of corpses lying before Napoleons feet and the air was heavy with the smell of blood†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (54). Napoleons greed for being on top forces him to detain anyone that is against him through the public executions. Because of his desire to stay on top of the chain of command, Napoleon would not hesitate to use his power to rout any sort of insurrection or even a small action that might seem to question his authority. Similar to the statements above, manipulation is also a key factor in his ruthless terror. He manipulates the animal’s mind in thinking that he is the true leader and enforces his place as the leader of Animal Farm. His greed for authority can be seen as a sort of an obsession which in turn increases the abuse of power to do whatever it takes to continue to be in power. This event greatly relates to the public executions in North Korea and how the government tries to institutionalize the fear of the punishment of crimes and rebellions. By instilling fear into the people, the government can then go on to commit whatever kinds of immoral deeds they desire without fear of protest from the people. Furthermore, ruthless oppression was the main driving force of the pig’s greed for power. With Animal Farm turning into a totalitarianism government, there were great deals of corruption throughout the years. Another unforgiving winter season hit the animals hard â€Å"and food was even shorter. Once again all rations were reduced, except those of the pigs and the dogs. †(46). While many of the animals were starved during the cold winter, the pigs and the dogs were able to enjoy the same amount of food, further supporting the notion that the government is riddled with corruption. Likewise, in North Korea, many government officials order assassinations or kidnappings of people that are against their rule. With some difficulty, Muriel spelt out â€Å"no animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets (66). With Squealer defending his opinions, he stated, â€Å"you have heard then, comrades he said that we pigs now sleep in beds of the farmhouse? †(66). Firstly, this shows the pigs selfishness towards the animals and how they don’t even care about the treatment they receive. More over it shows corruption in a way where the leaders are living a better life compared to the animals because of their current position in leadership. North Koreans can relate to this because there is corruption where positions in government may give you access to better rights than the general population. Over the different actions of the pigs and dogs, the corrupted government in which they rule caused them to be a step ahead of everyone else. During the course of the novel, many discussions are made that can be related to greed and selfishness. Examples of greed and selfishness impact on Animal Farm can be related to the actions of North Korea and how it affects them in the modern world. Napoleon caused many troubles throughout his service in Animal Farm and many of these troubles can be traced back to his selfishness and greed for power. Greed’s impact has caused many unlawful events in the book, which can also be found in North Korea. Ruthless oppression, unequal rights, and corrupt government are only a handful of what impact greed and selfishness had in Animal Farm.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Multi Tasking Madness

Digital native is a term used to describe a person who has grown up and been attached with the immersion of technology. In the article â€Å"Multitasking Madness†, the digital natives have been known with the ability of multitasking at which previous generations are surprised. The digital natives are able to do many tasks at the same time because they strengthen brain cells to carry out specific activities. However, the question has been addressed: â€Å"How will businesses need to change to capitalize on the multitasking ability of the digital natives?In a few years later, the baby boomers will get retired, then businesses will replace them with the younger generations, among them are digital natives who are much better in multitasking than previous generations. Also, technology has rocketed since the mid of 90's, which requires businesses need to update and catch up with the rapid development of technology; as a result, businesses have to consider of hiring employees who ar e familiar with new technologies and adapt them into work efficiently.With those two reasons, business organizations must come up with hanges, such as creating a new work environment in which the digital natives can maximize their abilities, and allowing them to work in their personal time. Creating such a good work environment to capitalize the abilities of the digital natives is making them comfortable at work. Their work area is no longer limited in a small cubicle but any place in the building so they don't feel narrowed down in the small area. Also, they only need a thin slight laptop instead of a big screen desktop computer to carry around with them so that they can work anytime and anywhere.For example, as an accountant for a website security company, I'm responsible for business transactions between the company with our clients and vendors, having a laptop with me all the time, I quickly respond urgent inquiries from them while interacting with other employees on IM windows. Allowing the digital natives to work in their personal time is one of changes that businesses should consider too, such as providing them with access so that they can work at anywhere and anytime. For instance, they can work at home and still are able to take care of their kids.Or as my situation, full-time employee and attend school as part-time student, to be able to catch up with school and work projects, a permission of working on my own time would be a great idea for me. Creating a work environment at the workplace to capitalize the abilities of the digital natives is the best solution that business should consider because a company still hold the control of their employees, which is knowing if they show up for work and attend conferences and meetings frequently as requested. Businesses don't need to spend much money on office furniture and big flat screen monitors.